Posted on 10/11/202110/11/2021Categories Breach, Cyber Laws

Texas Cybersecurity Update

If you’re in Texas, you’ll want to take note of a recent law that took effect on September 1, 2021.  Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 3746 that has amended the state’s data breach notification law.  The original law, Business and Commerce Code  521.053 established requirements for businesses around “any breach of system security” that they were alerted to or discovered on their own to notify within 60 days, any individual who had sensitive personal information that was or is reasonably believed … Continue reading “Texas Cybersecurity Update”

Posted on 06/21/202106/21/2021Categories Breach

Bringing More Than Your Laptop Back to the Office

Working from home.  It was fun while it lasted for many of us.  Some people are scrambling to get back to the office to escape makeshift dining room desks that compete with family life and chaos, or just crave the social interaction and other structure that office environments provide.  You might be in a combination situation, where you are putting in hours both at home and in the office.  Either way, you’re back, and you’re ready to go. So is … Continue reading “Bringing More Than Your Laptop Back to the Office”

Posted on 05/26/2021Categories Breach, Ransomware

Down the Pipeline

Just as it seemed we might be seeing clear skies ahead in terms of the pandemic, another dark cloud began to rise on the horizon.  The Colonial Pipeline breach hit the news and many people began to panic.  We were all too familiar with uncertainty of the future and last year’s toilet paper rush was replaced with people filling gasoline in plastic containers of all sorts and sizes.  Thankfully, it wasn’t nearly the level of chaos that we saw in … Continue reading “Down the Pipeline”

Posted on 04/30/202104/30/2021Categories Breach

Mobile Threat

Verizon recently released their 2021 Mobile Security Index report, and in it they summarize their research findings by looking at 856 IT professionals.  These are the people that buy, secure, and manage the mobile and internet of things (IOT) devices for their companies. In a year of firsts and unexpected experiences, what did they find? That the majority of us aren’t doing what needs to be done in order to secure our personal and professional information.  In fact, 45% believe that their companies … Continue reading “Mobile Threat”

Posted on 04/28/202104/28/2021Categories Breach

Normalizing Breaches

In August of 2019, Facebook was the victim of a data breach  that compromised information from 533 million people from 106 different countries.  Why is this in the news now?  Because the breach was addressed in a recent email from Facebook management, and that email was accidentally sent to a Belgium-based news outlet and, in that email, they don’t seem too concerned. The information that was stolen included phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, birthdates, location information, biographical information, and even … Continue reading “Normalizing Breaches”